My name is Sarah Hopkins and I am a CHEK Holistic Health Coach (Level 3) & Trainer here in Perth, Western Australia. For the last 15 years I have been on a journey of self discovery with an emphasis on health and well-being. This has developed into a passion for knowledge in this subject matter, as well as practice.
The journey was motivated by my own quest for health. As an adolescent, I struggled with my weight which drove me to extreme measures including constant dieting, occasional starvation and purging (most of which was ineffective). By my late teens/early 20s I believed I had it nailed – calorie restriction and a high level of punishing exercise was the answer. Unfortunately this formula came with its set backs and I developed severe gastrointestinal symptoms as well as amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) which I suffered with for nearly 10 years! The amenorrhea was a driving force behind my quest for health and wellness, intuitively I understood that if I was not menstruating, there was something seriously wrong with my body.
It was not until I was introduced to Paul Chek’s book “How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy” that I really started to understand the holistic nature of health and wellbeing and it became a daily practice for me. I don’t know if I would have believed the personal and physical changes that have occurred during this period if someone had told me beforehand but I am so grateful to have a healthy and functioning body and mind.
This journey has inspired me to share my experiences with others so that they too can have improved health. So after over 10 years of working in advertising and media I finally decided to pursue my dream of coaching others to an improved state of health and vitality
When my clients become healthy, happy and vibrant through our coaching together, I am filled with a sense of achievement and accomplishment. I am reminded of our innate interconnectedness to all of life and the power of love to transform and heal. This is why I love what I do!
My Qualifications
With a tertiary qualification (BA) from the University of WA and a background in Media Sales Management, my interest in and passion for health and wellness developed through personal practice over the last 20 years. I am now a fully qualified CHEK Holistic Health Coach (Level 3) as well as a Master Personal Trainer (Cert III & IV). I recently completed Reiki level one to enable me to work energetically with clients as necessary. My CHEK training forms the foundation and framework of my coaching with clients as it is truly focussed on treating the root cause of any imbalance, which facilitates great results.
” One of the most cherished aspects of my time with Sarah is the openness and honesty that I can share with her without judgment. I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to be guided and coached by Sarah and will continue to do so.”
“Also at the end of the day Sarah made it easy, she was not judgemental and is very approachable and likeable and I felt totally at ease.”
“I can not recommend Sarah highly enough to anyone who is wanting to make improvements to their overall health and well being. She makes you feel totally at ease the moment you meet her and I feel incredibly grateful for everything she has done for me.”
“Sarah is MY LIFE-COACH.”
Contact me today:
Sarah Hopkins
E: sarah@hwb.rockingrose.technology
M: 0400 647 822
Ron Mclean
Hi Sarah my name is Ron mclean I’m a level 2 I live in QLD but work in WA I have some friends that need some help and live in wa can you call me so we cane see what we can do to help them
Thank you
Mo 0412745830