
Client Love

Heavy Menstrual Periods & Unbearable Pain

I initially reached out to Sarah so that she could help me with my fertility issues.  From my first meeting with Sarah, I was immediately at ease and felt that Sarah was genuinely invested in helping me to achieve my goals.  Sarah managed to help me with so much more. 

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From Endometriosis to pain-free!

I had been struggling with endometriosis and intestinal pains for years! I tried everything under the sun to try solve these pains but nothing was working. After years of surgeries, doctor appointments and hospital visits, I was constantly left disappointed, until I came across Sarah through word of mouth, and

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I’m now 30 weeks pregnant after failed IVF and 2 miscarriages!

When I reached out to Sarah I’d been trying to conceive for 6 years. I’d been diagnosed with Endometriosis in 2019 and suffered with extremely painful periods, fatigue, digestive issues and anxiety. I’d had failed IVF cycles and 2 miscarriages and honestly, I was drained. Sarah made some pretty dramatic

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We put my Chron’s in to remission, and fell pregnant naturally!

Sarah has provided me with immense guidance and support when I had been really struggling and feeling a bit lost with my diet/ nutrition after trying multiple things to assist with Crohn’s and IBS, hormonal imbalance and my fertility journey, which included previous miscarriage. Sarah was able to not only

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We are pregnant!

We are pregnant! We had completed initial screening via the GP and results were ‘all good’ but it was coming up a year of trying for our second baby. For me there were a few indicators that my body wasn’t balanced and I was seeking someone to provide guidance. To

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We have now welcomed our beautiful baby boy in to the world!

Sarah helped me tremendously. Her knowledge and guidance was such a great support in such a difficult time. With Sarah’s help, I came to understand what I could control (diet, exercise and stress) and what I couldn’t control (the outcome of the assisted fertility/IVF) in the ‘getting pregnant process’. Focusing

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With Sarah’s help, I came to understand what I could control!

Sarah helped me tremendously. Her knowledge and guidance was such a great support in such a difficult time. With Sarah’s help, I came to understand what I could control (diet, exercise and stress) and what I couldn’t control (the outcome of the assisted fertility/IVF) in the ‘getting pregnant process’. Focusing

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All my endometriosis and IBS symptoms have resolved!

I came to see Sarah because I had unbearable pain constantly in my stomach and was told by many many doctors that it was just IBS and endometriosis and the only fix was medications and surgeries which I didn’t want. I wanted to find a lifestyle to stick to and

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Sarah made our fertility wishes come true!

After failed round of IVF and then a miscarriage at 7 weeks I decided to book an appointment with Sarah who I had been following on Instagram since the beginning of my IVF journey after listening to her on a podcast. Our first session with Sarah was so positive and

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I’m now 6 months in to COMPLETELY pain free periods!

I reached out to Sarah because I hoped that I could heal my hormonal imbalances naturally and knew I needed support in doing so. Over the few years prior to working with her, I had been trying to understand where my pain was coming from, eventually being told I had

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I have energy to do fun things again!

I had been on the birth control pill for 15 years and when I decided I no longer wanted to take it, my body started to experience things it had never before and no longer felt like my own. Coupled with a stressful year of moving to the other side

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My skin and digestive issues have been resolved

I can’t even explain how grateful I am to have met and worked with you Sarah.  I came to you with my unwanted and unknown skin issues and digestion problems, wanting to clear it up. Not only did you do exactly that but what you have taught me has changed

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Maximising my Health, Fertility and Pregnancy

I started seeing Sarah early in 2022 with fertility and pregnancy in mind as my partner and I had just started IVF to conceive. With both of us being over 40, I was acutely aware that I needed some support to make sure I was maximizing my health through the

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PCOS and Pregnant

When I found out that starting a family was going to be a little trickier for me due to PCOS, I began the crazy search for ways to help myself get through it. And so down the rabbit hole I went. I heard about Sarah and what she was all

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Helping me to be as Healthy as Possible

I came to see Sarah as she was recommended by a few different health professionals I was seeing. I had been  struggling for many years with severe digestive issues which included feeling constantly bloated and uncomfortable. I’d always had hormonal imbalances and had been trying unsuccessfully to conceive for a

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Thanks for Helping me to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

I came to see Sarah, as I had heard she was amazing at supporting women through their pregnancy journey’s. I wanted to live the healthiest lifestyle possible while I was pregnant, to give my baby the best start to life. Even though I was very sick in my first trimester,

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My Miracle Pregnancy at 42

When I came to see Sarah, I’d been trying to conceive for about 2 years and it wasn’t looking good.  I was 40 years old, had poor egg quality and 4 unsuccessful IVF attempts.  Sarah reassured me that despite my age and egg reserve, we could improve my fertility through

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My Miracle Natural Pregnancy

I reached out to Sarah after attending one of her fertility workshops some years prior. I was having trouble conceiving my second child and wanted to support my body to have the best outcome from IVF. With support and guidance, we made changes to what & how I ate, focussing

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I Have my Energy Back

When I first reached out to Sarah I was feeling very low on energy and my self care was non-existent due to devoting all my time to my little cherub. I knew I needed to find someone to give me some support and guidance to regain my energy and put

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I’m Now Happily Pregnant

When I first started seeing Sarah, I was looking for ways to improve my wellbeing, I wanted a holistic approach that would help me mentally and physically and I have to say she worked wonders on me and gave me amazing tools to use in my everyday life. I then

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My Psoriasis is all but Gone

When I came to see Sarah, I felt like my health was deteriorating quickly. I’d gained weight and was tired all the time but the main thing bothering me was chronic psoriasis which was spreading no matter what I tried. Working with Sarah, we implemented diet and lifestyle changes that

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My Health Changes will be Long Term

I’m 42 years old and a busy mum of two kids.  I’d started to notice lots of physical changes to my health, I had aches and pains, all too regular headaches, increasingly worsening periods, low energy and moods.  I was also constantly bloated, enough was enough. What I was looking

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I Improved my Health Naturally and now I’m Pregnant

I first came to see Sarah after finding out I had Hashimotos which was affecting my thyroid and my cycle.  At the time I was feeling extremely flat, foggy and unmotivated and knew I needed to make some changes but didn’t know where to start. During my time with Sarah

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The Improvement in my Health is Exceptional

I came to see Sarah because my digestive system was very obviously out of balance. I was constantly in a state of discomfort that manifested in many different ways including bloating, back pain, low energy level and higher stress. Internally I knew the plant based diet I was following was

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My Body is Functioning So Much Better

I’m a busy single Mum of three children and the stress of that lifestyle got the better of me, I was overweight, exhausted and basically not functioning well. That’s when I decided to reach out to Sarah.  During my time working with Sarah, she made small incremental changes to what

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I Now Have The Tools To Stay Healthy For Life

I was originally recommended to see Sarah by my chiropractor Dr. Andrina Chien who spoke very highly of Sarah and said that we would be the perfect match (which was absolutely the case!). At the time I was having issues with my gut & feeling tired for no reason throughout

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Recurring Sinus Infections Gone, and now I’m Pregnant

I came to see Sarah initially on a recommendation from a friend after years of recurring sinus problems, that were continuing despite having surgery in 2021. I was getting sinus infections at least once a month and had been on constant courses of steroids and antibiotics for years. Since seeing

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I’ve Lost 15kg in Five Months

I was referred to you from a friend of a friend, I am 49 I want to be the best form of me before I reach that 50 year milestone. I wanted to improve my gut health. I had been very active at the gym for at least 2 1/2

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I Know I can Keep the Weight Off and Maintain my Health

When I came to see Sarah I had been struggling with my weight and health for a long time.  I’d had gastric sleeve surgery 4 years ago but unfortunately my eating habits had slipped and I’d gained back a lot of the weight I lost initially.  I had also had

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I’ve Dropped Over 3 Dress Sizes & Lost Over 30kg

After having children, I developed questionable eating habits, which resulted in massive weight gain. After the birth of my second child, I gained even more weight instead of losing it. Despite exercising regularly, my food choices were out of control. I was a regular listener of Sarah’s podcast, Elevate, and

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I Now Manage my Auto-Immune Conditions Without Medication

I came to Sarah after yet another auto-immune diagnosis. Not feeling great, but wanting to avoid aggressive medication, I decided to try and make some lifestyle changes to see if they could improve my conditions. Sarah was a wealth of knowledge, and not only did she help me with my

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My Self Esteem and Health Have Never Been Better

When I came to see Sarah I was feeling a bit of a mess.  I’d had some success using some pretty restrictive elimination diets and programs but I was really confused about what to eat for health, I was almost scared of eating so many foods, convinced they would instantly

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I’m Pregnant and So Much Healthier

I came to see Sarah after my 3rd round of IVF had failed – I was referred to Sarah from someone that had highly recommended her. I was devastated and couldn’t understand what was wrong with me and why it wasn’t working. I had a great egg collection and fantastic

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I Have Healed Lifelong Health Issues

My decision to go see Sarah was such a transformational moment in my life. I have struggled with many health problems from a very young age, and I found it was time I tried to do something about it and seeing Sarah was definitely the right step on my path

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My Crohn’s Disease is Now in Remission

Booking in to see Sarah was one of the best decision I’ve made. She really has a passion for what she does and has so much knowledge to share. I was provided with invaluable lessons on how to deal with my Crohns flare ups and since taking her advice onboard

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I Have So Much Energy

I stumbled across Sarah last year as I was feeling really lost and deflated with my weight and balancing out my hormones. I had no idea what I was doing wrong and why my body wasn’t responding well to methods I had already approached in the past. I thought I

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I Feel So Much Better and Now I’m Pregnant

I reached out to Sarah after being recommended by a friend, I was just feeling so exhausted. I was struggling to get through the day without wanting a nap & relying on energy drinks to get me by. In addition to this I had digestive issues, my hormones were all

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Skin and Hormones Healed and Now I’m Pregnant!

I came to see Sarah as I was suffering from stress related symptoms including brain fog, unexplained weight gain, skin problems, irregular periods and physical fatigue. I also had some significant personal and work related stressors that were outside of my control and started to impact my everyday life. We

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Weight Loss, Energy, Healed Digestion and More

I came to see Sarah with general health & IBS symptoms.   Changes were made by cutting out gluten & dairy,  increasing intake of calories and keeping a check on FODMAPS . The results were amazing. I lost weight, felt more energised and no longer needed afternoon naps.  Also, all

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My Hormones Are Healthy and Now I’m Pregnant.

I moved from the USA to Angola and was having a very hard time with major digestive issues, problems with energy, food, hormone imbalance and had struggled to conceive for years. I was given Sarah’s details and reached out to her hoping she could help me. I didn’t know what

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I Feel Amazing

I started weekly sessions with Sarah last year because I want to fall pregnant in a few years time and wanted to ensure my body was as healthy as it could be before trying to conceive. Over the course of our meetings I slowly made changes to my diet and

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My Spark Has Returned

I hadn’t felt 100% for a long time but couldn’t pin-point what the problem was. I was constantly waking tired and feeling fatigued throughout the day. My energy/motivate levels were very low, and I felt as though I had lost my spark. Life was just a struggle. I had been

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Fertility Success and a Healthier Family

I decided to visit Sarah after following her success stories on social media for a little while. I had come off of the pill after 6 years, and somewhere around 8 months later still not had my period back once. Getting close to 12 months after and I was still

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I’ve Lost Over 25kg in Nine Months

Thank you so much Sarah, you have guided me to change my life forever. I walked into you office with so much of low self esteem and very obese, weighing excess of almost 40kg from an average BMI. I have within 9 months lost 25kg and still continuing after your

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So Many Improvements to my Health

I am writing to thank you for helping me achieve so many problems to improve my health. I came to you with to seek help with sleep, bloating, back pain, energy levels, dietary, belly fat and stress. Working with you, I have over-come most of these problems and more that

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I Wish I had Found Sarah Sooner

I came to see Sarah just over a year ago as I’d struggled with digestive issues & allergies for most of my adult life for which doctors and medications hadn’t been able to assist with. I had also recently suffered from the flu and was feeling run down, exhausted and

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All of My Health Issues Have Resolved and it Was Easy

I came to see Sarah after experiencing bloating, irregular bowel movements, sleeplessness and weight gain. After having some medical testing done I realised I needed to make dietary changes to help me overcome all of these symptoms and wanted to get guidance from Sarah about how to approach this in

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A Healthy Pregnancy for a Healthy Baby

  I started seeing Sarah after experiencing an unexpected miscarriage late last year. After always considering myself fit and healthy, it came as quite a shock and although it is common, I wanted to seek advice to ensure I was doing everything I could to prepare my body for carrying

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Finally Pregnant After 18 Months of Trying

I went to see Sarah after about 18 months of trying to fall pregnant and two failed IVF transfers. During my time trying, I had had multiple tests, been diagnosed with unexplained infertility and tried many “natural” remedies – herbs, acupuncture, stopped intense exercise, reduced chemicals, plastics, etc, etc. I

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Healed My Arthritis and Now I Understand My Body

I have been seeing Sarah Hopkins for most of this Covid 19 year. I went to Sarah because I was in a lot of pain caused by Rheumatoid arthritis. I tried a number of different diets and gave up all sorts of different foods and nothing seemed to work for

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Pregnant After Healing My PCOS

I started seeing Sarah in October 2019 as I had recently been diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and was trying to conceive. I was interested in how I could improve my general well-being, sleep and eating and to ultimately achieve my goal of conceiving. Sarah was an amazing mentor

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Healthy Pregnancy After Miscarriage

When I reached out to Sarah, we had been actively trying to conceive for over 12 months.  After I had a miscarriage, I was starting to feel defeated and wondering if there was anything that I could do to improve my chances of conceiving.  A friend suggested I reach out

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Digestion, Skin, Mood All Better & Finally I’m Pregnant

I first started seeing Sarah in January 2020 predominately to discuss how I can improve various things such as digestion, hormones, mood and skin problems.  I had severe bloating, I was constantly feeling tired and hungry all the time but the biggest concern for me was having diarrhoea and stomach

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From Infertility to Naturally Conceived Twins

I came across Sarah on instagram after seeing that she had helped someone that I followed in her journey to fall pregnant. I came to Sarah with an array of issues – a lifetime of gut health and digestive problems and 7 year bout of amenorrhoea & anovulation due to

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My Life is Back in Balance

When I first started with Sarah I was completely burnt out from years of pushing myself to be “wonder woman” at everything and in a stressed out mess. I was at a crossroads in my life and knew deep down I had to change things. My main issues were years

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I Have Never Been So Well

  I grew up in a family that understood the fundamentals of good nutrition and a balanced diet, with a focus on whole foods. My mum influenced the way I viewed food as fuel for my body and she had been raised in a family focused on nutrition and fitness;

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Successfully Pregnant Naturally After 2 Failed IVF Cycles

I came to Sarah at the end October 2019 after 2 failed rounds of IVF, and wanting assistance with my fertility. I started IVF 15 months after coming off the pill, being diagnosed with PCOS and after months of trying multiple other natural remedies. I was never 100% happy with

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Healed From Endometriosis, Digestive Issues and Lost 7kg

Prior to seeing Sarah I struggled with my immune system, regular sinusitis, poor gut health, skin issues, fluid retention, bloating, PCOS and had pre-cancerous cells removed from my cervix, and I am sure there are other things I have forgotten. I reached out to Sarah post-surgery for endometriosis, as I

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I Am So Much More Resilient and Happy Now

Before I met Sarah, I was struggling with: energy dips sleep problems, menstrual cycle issues, feeling hungry most of the day and snacking, difficulty recovering from exercise, variable moods, and difficulty staying motivated to make changes that I wanted.   With Sarah’s wisdom, support and knowledge I was able to:

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I Healed My Digestion & Now I’m Pregnant

I came to see Sarah after deciding that I needed to address some ongoing digestive issues and realising that being bloated after every meal was not normal, or something I wanted to put up with.   I had read about the success a mutual friend had had with Sarah so I finally bit

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Finally Healed my Unhealthy Relationship With Food

I first came to see Sarah around 4 months ago after my mum had heard another sparkling success story from one of Sarah’s previous clients. The possibility that someone else had been able to turn their life around really struck me and so after getting in contact with Sarah I

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Healthy Pre-conception, Pregnancy and Beyond

I came to see Sarah for pre-conception advice prior to falling pregnant, however unbeknownst to me, I successfully fell pregnant prior to our first consultation. Sarah was the one to encourage me to take a pregnancy test in our first meeting, which confirmed I was pregnant. Our time together shifted

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Healed my Inflammation and Lost all the Weight

I decided to reach out to Sarah last year to finally start to work on losing weight and reducing inflammation.  I had been working with a weight loss organisation and despite sticking rigidly to the protocol had actually gained weight instead of lost it.  To be honest their recommendations didn’t

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It’s a 10/10 from me!!!

I had been feeling pretty average for some time. I was tired of feeling bloated, fatigued and with no energy at all. I finally dragged myself off to the doctor to try and describe how I was feeling. After several tests and eliminations, I tested positive for the Helicobacter Pylori

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I’ve Stepped Off The Eating Rollercoaster

For years and years, I have been on an eating rollercoaster.  I lead a very busy life and I was constantly moving between being ‘good’ and being ‘off the wagon’ on a regular basis.  The knock-on effect of this was a rollercoaster of emotions, restless sleep, low energy levels, bloating, irregularity and

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I Healed my Body and then Conceived my Second Baby

I was highly recommended to see Sarah from one of my friends about 12 months ago.  I had originally decided to seek Sarah’s help due to plateauing with weight loss and feeling extremely fatigued/exhausted. Little did I know that I was over exercising, eating an extremely restricted diet and suffering

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Healed From PCOS and Much More

My journey with my health for the past 12 years has been challenging. In my teenage years, I was struck down by an undiagnosed ‘bug’ which completely abolished my immune system. I would catch everything going around which lead to numerous specialist appointments and weeks off school and work.  My

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I’m Empowered and Healthy for Life

As the saying goes; you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.  This was true for me a couple of years after I initially worked with Sarah in early 2015. Sarah came highly recommend by a dear friend after I had been put on medication for high blood pressure the

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Losing 7 kilos was a Bonus

When I reached out to Sarah, I was feeling exhausted.  I was struggling to get through the everyday things I needed to do and had noticed a significant decline in my fitness (for no apparent reason).  I discovered that I was extremely low in iron and whilst a transfusion made

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I Now Don’t Need to Take Progesterone

I first came to see Sarah three months ago after listening to season 1 & 2 of the Elevate podcast and reading some of her amazing testimonials on Instagram. I was tired, teary, and struggling with my health. Since coming of hormonal birth control in 2016 I have suffered from

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The Weight Fell Off Easily

When I came to see Sarah, I was not feeling myself.  With two young boys and a very busy life, I was feeling so tired and caught every bug going around.  I’d gained 10kg and lost my self confidence.  Over the course of about 4 months I made changes to

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Tapered Down my Rheumatoid Arthritis Medication

I reached out to Sarah during a time when I felt quite helpless with my health. I’d had Ross River Virus and was then diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis which I had been managing with medication and had dabbled in lifestyle changes but always found it difficult to build it into

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My Fibroids Completely Disappeared!

I had done 3 years of IVF prior to starting to see Sarah. At that time, my mood and attitude towards fertility and getting pregnant was very low as I continued to get disappointing results which seemed to get worse over time. I went to a workshop run by Sarah

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Healed My PCOS & Lost Weight

I came to see Sarah because I was having trouble losing weight. I had tried so many different ways to lose weight that people suggested and nothing seemed to work where I could notice results. Having PCOS and my body producing too much insulin, I knew I needed to speak

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My Body Feels Lighter, I just Feel Better!

I came to see Sarah because I was feeling run down. I knew I wasn’t functioning at optimal health with my energy levels, digestion and some joint pain flaring up. I’d been working really hard on my business and had neglected my health. I also felt a bit lost, having

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I’m in the Best Shape Now for 50!

I contacted Sarah as I am soon turning 50 and wanted to be in the best possible shape physically and mentally at my half-century milestone! This lovely lady has not only helped me achieve my goals but has given me the knowledge and tools to smash them! I have lost

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Thank You for Putting the Joy Back in my Life

I’ve been a mum for many years and I needed to put some energy back into myself so I went to see Sarah and have never looked back. I have been seeing Sarah now for six months. I am much happier, a lot lighter and I have exceeded all my

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I Finally Feel Balanced

I was laying in bed late one night in frustration and stress about my gut health. I had tried many ways to follow a balanced lifestyle but as a result turned to be tiring and repetitive from restrictive calorie counting, weighing food to eating foods that constantly left me feeling

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I’m So Happy I Feel So Much Better

When I came to see Sarah I was feeling anxious, exhausted, sick and in pain most days. I’d always been sensitive to food and had tried a gluten-free and dairy free diet for a while, which worked well for me, but when I fell pregnant I fell off the wagon.

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I just feel so much better and even younger.

When I first came to see Sarah my body was in a state of constant pain.  I would wake every morning feeling as if I had done a rigorous workout the day prior.  I was exhausted, had chronic GERD and was carrying an extra 10kg that made me feel swollen

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I Feel I Have My Life Back Again

When I first came to see Sarah, I was at the lowest point of my life health wise.  I had lost a lot of energy, felt exhausted all the time and couldn’t even participate in my beloved boot camp anymore.  I also had terrible digestive issues, was overweight and had

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In Six Months I Have Turned My Life Around

Before I came to Sarah my mood and energy were so low, I was beginning to feel depressed, I didn’t feel healthy, and continuing weight gain had become a concern. Within 6 months my life has turned around. I’ve lost 10kg and I now have a waistline I can be

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Healed From Chronic Gut Issues

“I was referred to Sarah by a very trusted friend who had similar symptoms to me, saw my frustration at my existing treatment and who ultimately received outstanding treatment. I had a digestive issue relating to a trip to Indonesia which were exasperated by misdiagnoses and treatment by my GP.

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I Had A Dream Pregnancy And Empowering Birth

Sarah, I had a dream pregnancy and an empowering birth! I ‘hypnobirthed’ him vaginally and drug-free. He came out alert and seeking my breast to feed. He is a healthy baby and thriving. I am recovering well too. I honestly believe that the preparation I did with you, and the

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Finally Conceived After 12 Months of Trying

  I first came to see Sarah after unsuccessfully trying to conceive our first child for over a year.  I had just been diagnosed with severe endometriosis and was told by doctors that it would be difficult for us to conceive, even with the help of IVF.  I had also endured years of

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Giving Myself the Best Chance to Grow a Healthy Baby

I first met Sarah when I attended one of her Fertility workshops. It was such an eye-opener for me and strongly highlighted the importance of pre-conception health and preparation. I decided to work with Sarah one on one to really fine tune things before we planned to start trying. After

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My Miracle Rainbow Pregnancy

When I first booked in to see Sarah in mid-2017, I had endured three miscarriages, seen a number of obstetricians and fertility specialists, and had numerous tests done. Yet we had no answers as to why my miscarriages had occurred and were no closer to having a family of our

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