My endometriosis pain and flare-ups have become infrequent (none since starting with Sarah!)

I had been looking for a way to better understand and manage my endometriosis and prepare for IVF.

Sarah was inquisitive, understanding, and thoughtful, and helped explain the reasoning why diet and lifestyle adjustments were so important in reducing inflammation to improve my endometriosis and my fertility.

Initially, some of the adjustments can feel daunting, but if you’re at the stage where you want to take control of your health and are willing to improve your lifestyle, then Sarah is an excellent coach and will help you on your journey.

I can confidently say that my periods improved, my endometriosis pain and flare-ups have become infrequent (none since starting with Sarah!), I’m sleeping better and my first egg retrieval through IVF went very well.

The changes that Sarah suggests are manageable and will improve your health in a short amount of time.

If you want to improve your health and lifestyle and don’t know where to start, Sarah is your girl. She is like a comforting friend and will become your lifestyle cheerleader.

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