My Self Esteem and Health Have Never Been Better

When I came to see Sarah I was feeling a bit of a mess.  I’d had some success using some pretty restrictive elimination diets and programs but I was really confused about what to eat for health, I was almost scared of eating so many foods, convinced they would instantly make me gain weight.  I was suffering with really low self esteem as well as some annoying digestive and hormonal issues.  Working with Sarah, we made some more practical and achievable changes to my diet that made a huge difference to my digestion and hormones, my allergies also improved significantly.  Probably the best part of our time together was starting to heal my relationship with my body image, I now feel so much less obsessed with restrictive diets and also with my weight, it’s freeing to be able to enjoy all types of food including carbs without feeling guilty. It also frees up my headspace to focus on more important things.  I would recommend Sarah to anyone who wants to make long term sustainable changes to their health.

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