I’m 42 years old and a busy mum of two kids. I’d started to notice lots of physical changes to my health, I had aches and pains, all too regular headaches, increasingly worsening periods, low energy and moods. I was also constantly bloated, enough was enough.
What I was looking for was not a quick fix, I’d done that before and found it only worked temporarily and usually made things worse over time. Sarah seemed to understand the need to take things slowly and this really appealed to me.
Over the last 8 months, I’ve seen improvements in mood, digestion, hormones and sleep, I’ve even lost a few kilos. It didn’t happen overnight and I wasn’t perfect but that’s what’s great about it. I feel like the changes that Sarah helped me to implement are sustainable, they’re part of my daily life now and that means I can keep doing them long term.
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