After having children, I developed questionable eating habits, which resulted in massive weight gain. After the birth of my second child, I gained even more weight instead of losing it. Despite exercising regularly, my food choices were out of control. I was a regular listener of Sarah’s podcast, Elevate, and decided to engage with her after finding myself lacking energy and experiencing massive mood swings.
Sarah analysed my lifestyle, habits and food intake and gradually guided me through slow and sustainable changes. Sarah showed me how to eat healthily and sustainably. I began to lose weight and was thrilled to find that, once I had learned new habits, my improved way of eating replaced the old one, I have dropped three dress sizes and lost over 30kgs and counting over the past eight months, and my goal is now well within reach. I am exercising more, and my blood work is within normal and healthy ranges, with no deficiencies whatsoever.
The most significant change for me besides feeling fabulous has been with my energy levels and overall mood. I am rarely irritable and always have bundles of energy. Thank you Sarah
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