My Period Returned After an Absence of Over a Year – Hurrah

Everything happens for a reason 🙂 One day, while trawling through the internet in an attempt to find some answers to health issues I was experiencing, I came across Sarah’s website.I read through her “about me” section only to find out that Sarah had overcome some of the very health difficulties that I was experiencing, one of which was Ammenohrea, i.e. the lack of periods. I got on the phone to Sarah straight away and made an appointment to see her. It was such a relief to speak to someone about my worries and frustration around the loss of my periods, in addition I was also suffering from stress and anxiety. Sarah carried out a detailed assessment and implemented a change in diet, advised me on stress reduction techniques and prescribed some natural supplements to take.

I began eating an anti-inflammatory diet,increased my intake of good fats, practiced stress reduction techniques and started taking the recommended supplements. I have always had an interest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and it was excellent to learn even more tips and hints from Sarah! Within the space of a couple of months my periods returned after over a year of absence, hurrah and I continue to maintain the changes that Sarah advised. I feel great.

I would recommend Sarah to anybody wanting to improve their overall health and lifestyle. She is so passionate about what she does and truly practices what she preaches. I’m am so grateful for having found her.

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