Nutrition and lifestyle

Heavy Menstrual Periods & Unbearable Pain

I initially reached out to Sarah so that she could help me with my fertility issues.  From my first meeting with Sarah, I was immediately at ease and felt that Sarah was genuinely invested in helping me to achieve my … Read More

From Endometriosis to pain-free!

I had been struggling with endometriosis and intestinal pains for years! I tried everything under the sun to try solve these pains but nothing was working. After years of surgeries, doctor appointments and hospital visits, I was constantly left disappointed, … Read More

My Spark Has Returned

I hadn’t felt 100% for a long time but couldn’t pin-point what the problem was. I was constantly waking tired and feeling fatigued throughout the day. My energy/motivate levels were very low, and I felt as though I had lost … Read More

Decadent Vegan Chocolate Frosting

This chocolate frosting is completely dairy and sugar-free. The best bit? It’s filled with vegetables. It’s the perfect accompaniment to my Sweet Potato Brownie. Makes approximately 2.5 cups which will top a double size brownie or standard chocolate layer cake. … Read More

My Period Returned After an Absence of Over a Year – Hurrah

Everything happens for a reason 🙂 One day, while trawling through the internet in an attempt to find some answers to health issues I was experiencing, I came across Sarah’s website.I read through her “about me” section only to find … Read More