I came to see Sarah because I was feeling run down. I knew I wasn’t functioning at optimal health with my energy levels, digestion and some joint pain flaring up.
I’d been working really hard on my business and had neglected my health. I also felt a bit lost, having tried lots of different diets for my digestion. I wanted to tap into Sarah’s knowledge and have her support and accountability for taking better care of myself.
Working with Sarah has been amazing. I have found a way of eating that really works for me, with Sarah guiding me through different approaches, but importantly helping me to trust my intuition with food again.
By tracking my diet, lifestyle and symptoms, I was able to appreciate how much other factors were affecting my health. Sleep in particular. I have a much better sleep routine and prioritise sleep much more.
After working with Sarah, my body feels much lighter, the joint pain has gone and my digestion is working so much better. I’ve started exercising more regularly too, as my energy levels have improved.
Sarah is a very supportive and encouraging coach. She has heaps of knowledge, but she also empowers you to trust your own inner wisdom. This means that the changes made through working with her are sustainable.
I would definitely recommend working with Sarah if you are struggling with your health and are looking for lasting change.
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