Healthy Fertility Success, I Am Now Happily Pregnant With Our First.


I came to see Sarah as I felt that I needed a little bit of extra guidance with what I was doing with my health. This included anything from my exercise regime, how I was eating, how to get a better nights sleep and most importantly also preparing my body for pregnancy. I wanted to make sure I could create the healthiest environment for my baby as well as being happy within myself. Basically I wanted to “thrive, not just survive”.

From the time I met Sarah the changes I have made include going gluten free, dairy free and basically just eating real food. I changed my perspective on training – coming from an elite athlete background I was used to ‘killing myself’ in the gym but Sarah helped me realise you don’t need to do that, and it certainly isn’t helping prepare my body for pregnancy. I have made changes at home including electronics off at 8pm and just an overall wellness approach to my life.

I would definitely recommend anyone to come see Sarah, especially if you are sick of the normal way of thinking, ‘just take a pill to get better’ – Sarah helps you see that it is all about lifestyle change, but she helps you do so gently so its not overwhelming. Sarah is also a great motivator as she leads by example! I will always turn to Sarah first when I have any questions about health as I know she understands what I am looking for in a holistic and natural approach. Lastly, thanks to this lovely lady I am now happily pregnant with our first and very much looking forward to continuing my journey of wellness with the guidance from Sarah.


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