My partner is the BEST at fermenting foods, actually he’s pretty amazing in all aspects of the kitchen which is good news for me. I’ve been enjoying the fruits of his labour for some time but my absolute favourite is his home made coconut yoghurt. It’s dairy free and filled with all of the amazing probiotic components we need for a healthy gut. I finally convinced him to share the recipe with you all, after so many requests for it. So below he shares his secret to this deliciously healthy whole food snack!

It is now widely accepted how important a healthy functioning gastrointestinal system is to optimal health and wellbeing. With over 100 million neurons which is more than in the spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system as well as over 95% of serotonin found in the bowels it’s no wonder the gastrointestinal (enteric) nervous system has been coined the ‘second brain’. With research now linking dysfunctional gastrointestinal system with disorders such as autism, mood disorders and autoimmune disease to name a few it’s now time we start making more conscious decisions about what we eat. I am going to share with you a relatively easy way to turn an already superfood into a supercharged probiotic rich wholefood that will help support a healthy functioning gastrointestinal system.

Coconut Yoghurt
3-4 young coconuts
1-2 teaspoons of Bioceuticals Symbiotique probiotic powder
Vitamix or powerful blender
Fresh coconut water
Glass jar with snap lock sealable lid
Place the coconut flesh, probiotics and a small amount of the coconut water into the blender and start blending, keep adding coconut water until the desired consistency is reached.
When done pour into a jar with a snap lock lid, I like to use ‘Fido Jars’
Allow to culture away at room temperature for 1-2 days depending on the temperature. You can taste test regularly and once the desired tartness is reached transfer to the fridge.
If you have a sweet tooth I suggest adding some raw honey and mixing through before transferring into the fridge.
I love adding blueberries to mine. However you can be as creative as you like.
I also like to use the left over coconut water to ferment and make fermented coconut water kefir (coco-biotic). Otherwise goes well in smoothies or just consumed plain is also delicious.
Issues I have experienced are not using enough coconuts (3-4 seem to produce a consistent perfect batch). Other probiotics I have used didn’t seem to work as well, using the above mentioned probiotic I’ve had 100% success rate.
Coconuts always vary some have thick flesh some have thin and more watery flesh and some are quite scant with how much flesh they have so it does require that you freestyle to some extent.
Carmela Lacey
About time hey? xx
Craig Lee
Think I will give this one a try. I have had varied success with making vegan yoghurts – using almonds/ cashews and even coconuts.
Is there an easy way to get into a coconut (apart from brute force and plenty of damaged knives)?
Hi Craig,
I am the same with coconuts but if you google “how to open a coconut” there are heaps of great tutorials out there. A meat cleaver helps.
Enjoy the yoghurt.