It was September 2012; and I just returned from an overseas trip to Europe – weighing in at 97kg… Loosing weight was always at the back of my mind; but lifestyle and business priorities always took precedence. I considered that I didn’t need a “Personal Trainer” as I was feeling “fine”; was eating “healthy” and seldom ate “fast food”. It took friends and colleagues to tell me I was putting on the weight; and when 3 people told me this in a period of one week, I took notice!
I kept an open mind during my first session with Sarah Hopkins. I’ve heard all the stories – people on “miracle diets” or “exercise plans”, but I still had apprehension – could this really work? I had given up on the gym as it seemed a 40 minute workout achieved minimal results. However, Sarah helped me understand that effective weight loss was not solely a structured exercise regime. Sarah customised a block of training sessions specifically to my needs, goals and lifestyle.
Today, I’m at a weight of 73kg – a drop of 24Kg over 6 months – all thanks to Sarah Hopkins… How do I feel? Obviously I have greater energy and greater endurance, but this also equates to an enhanced “can do” attitude which is reflected in both personal and business. The mornings I have a personal training session, are the days I have a clearer mind and as a result are more productive at the office. I could never go back to the person I was prior to September 2012.
Sarah Hopkins is an expert in her field who gets results – and I have no hesitation in recommending her services. I joke with friends today; the cost is not with personal training, but buying the new wardrobe of slimmer clothes. But seriously, you can’t put a price on health.
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