I Reached My Goal Weight and Can Easily Keep it Off


I knew I needed to lose weight as I was about to gain the next dress size. I also knew I was eating a lot of sugary foods but could not motivate myself to stop and loose weight. I had heard of Sarahs success in helping people so I went to see her.
Her plan seemed easy enough with starting by writing down all you ate each day. I was horrified by all the rubbish food I was eating so I stopped immediately. Each week a small change took place in my diet including becoming gluten free. The changes were small but the weight slowly began to come off.
I also felt that to achieve my goals I needed to become very focused and tell myself no sugary food and no wine. No one could do this but myself. I was thrilled as each week I weighed less. It took over three months but eventually I reached what Sarah and I thought was a realistic goal weight for my age and height.

Now that I have achieved my goal weight I have introduced wine, cheese and biscuits and the odd cake or dessert back into my diet. I also realise why many of my slimmer friends keep away from sugary foods as I now have to the same in order to maintain my weight. I know my constitution functions better and I feel less tired with more energy. Sarahs gradual food changes and suggestions have worked well and I am still following them.

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