As a health and nutrition coach I spend a lot of time analysing my client’s food diaries to see where they may be derailing their health goals. Probably one of the most common red flags I see when reading these … Read More

Food Rotation for Long Term Health and Weight Loss
Tags: Cooking, Dairy free, detox, Digestion, Digestive enzymes, easy, Gluten free, Happiness, healing foods, Health, Healthy food, healthy lifestyle, Healthy solutions, Natural, Nourishing Traditions, nutrition, nutritious, Organic food, Paleo, Paul Chek, Primal, Rotation diet, Stress management, Vegetables, weight loss, Wellness, Whole Foods, Wholefood recipes

My Week of Learning and Fun – HLC 3
I’ve just returned from an amazing experience over in NSW. It involved staying at the stunningly beautiful Billabong Retreat, nestled in the tree tops near the Blue Mountains. Apparently it was “study/education” but when you love something it doesn’t feel … Read More