I find that whenever I am following some type of dietary protocol, I get inspired to create new things in the kitchen, things that suit whatever dietary restrictions I might be subjected to. Lately I’ve noticed my digestion is a … Read More
healthy chocolate

Healthy Choc Mint Slice
Tags: CHEK, Chek practitioner, chocolate, coconut, Cooking, Dairy free, delicious, detox, Digestion, easy, fast, Gluten free, Grain free, Happiness, healing foods, healthy chocolate, Healthy food, healthy lifestyle, Healthy solutions, Healthy weight loss, Holistic Lifestyle Coach Perth, Natural, Nourishing Traditions, nutrition, nutrition and lifestyle coach perth, nutritious, Organic food, Paleo, Paul Chek, Perth, Primal, Raw, recipes, Sugar Free, Weight loss Perth, Whole Foods, Wholefood recipes

Everything free chocolate treats
I am currently obsessed with these new chocolate – like treats. I may have had 3 already today and it’s not even morning tea time..there are lots of raw chocolate recipes around these days and they are absolutely delicious but … Read More