
I am a new version of me! Happier, healthier and minus the excess kilos.

I opted for Sarah’s longest program as I really wanted to make some real changes to my level of health and well being and loose some excess kilos.   OMG I can’t believe the changes Sarah enabled me to effortlessly … Read More

My skin and digestive issues have been resolved

I can’t even explain how grateful I am to have met and worked with you Sarah.  I came to you with my unwanted and unknown skin issues and digestion problems, wanting to clear it up. Not only did you do … Read More

Energy, Mood and Motivation balanced 12 months Postpartum!!

I was almost 12 months postpartum and I felt sluggish, moody and tired and I knew it was more than just having a young baby to look after. I found Sarah online and after reading many of her glowing client … Read More

Mental Health, Waistline and Sleeping Patterns all Much Better!!

At the end of 2021 my health was in a terrible state of affairs, both physically and mentally, so I was determined to ‘get healthy’ in 2022. Diet always plays a huge part so I sought out the help of … Read More

Maximising my Health, Fertility and Pregnancy

I started seeing Sarah early in 2022 with fertility and pregnancy in mind as my partner and I had just started IVF to conceive. With both of us being over 40, I was acutely aware that I needed some support … Read More

Helping me to be as Healthy as Possible

I came to see Sarah as she was recommended by a few different health professionals I was seeing. I had been  struggling for many years with severe digestive issues which included feeling constantly bloated and uncomfortable. I’d always had hormonal … Read More

Thanks for Helping me to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

I came to see Sarah, as I had heard she was amazing at supporting women through their pregnancy journey’s. I wanted to live the healthiest lifestyle possible while I was pregnant, to give my baby the best start to life. … Read More

My Miracle Pregnancy at 42

When I came to see Sarah, I’d been trying to conceive for about 2 years and it wasn’t looking good.  I was 40 years old, had poor egg quality and 4 unsuccessful IVF attempts.  Sarah reassured me that despite my … Read More

My Miracle Natural Pregnancy

I reached out to Sarah after attending one of her fertility workshops some years prior. I was having trouble conceiving my second child and wanted to support my body to have the best outcome from IVF. With support and guidance, … Read More

I’m Now Happily Pregnant

When I first started seeing Sarah, I was looking for ways to improve my wellbeing, I wanted a holistic approach that would help me mentally and physically and I have to say she worked wonders on me and gave me … Read More