
How to stay healthy on a budget – My top 5 recommendations

With the cost of living becoming higher by the day for everyone, I thought I’d share my top 5 tips to get healthier on a budget.  Getting or staying healthy doesn’t have to cost a fortune, in fact, some small … Read More

A low histamine diet and Sarah’s recommendations have cleared my eczema and balanced my hormones!

When I came to see Sarah I was suffering from bad eczema on my arm and hands. the eczema was very swollen and irritating.  I also suffered with imbalanced hormones but wasn’t aware of this until seeing and speaking with you. … Read More

With the gradual and achievable changes, we were able to get my cycle down to 32 days and I was able to fall pregnant naturally!!

I came to see Sarah because my cycle was all over the place.  I was trying to conceive with assistance and it wasn’t working. At the time I started working with Sarah my cycle was about 70-80 days in length. … Read More

Menstrual & ovulation pain disappeared, plus other significant improved benefits such as cleared brain fog, more energy and better sleep.

A good friend recommended Sarah after I’d endured daily diarrhoea and excruciating period and ovulation pain for over a year. I’d come to justify, my health issues were just how my body was now. I’d previously seen several specialists and underwent … Read More

Finally, I’ve found trust and am at peace with what optimal health looks like for me

I came to see Sarah when I was 10 years into my health journey. Over this time I have participated in many health protocols and have seen many functional medical practitioners (to the equivalent of $10,000-15,000). Whilst I value these … Read More

Energy, Digestion, Stress and Immune System all Significantly Improved

I found Sarah five months ago when my health was in a bad way. I was desperate for some help, having spent over ten years seeing numerous doctors, but gaining no answers to my lack of energy, tiredness and nausea. … Read More

I’ve turned my hormones around and now I don’t even have one PMS symptom!

I came to Sarah in an absolute state! Binge eating and the most horrendous PMS symptoms. I was just stuck in a cycle of binging and crash diets and getting absolutely no where. Sarah was able to completely turn my … Read More

I’m now 6 months in to COMPLETELY pain free periods!

I reached out to Sarah because I hoped that I could heal my hormonal imbalances naturally and knew I needed support in doing so. Over the few years prior to working with her, I had been trying to understand where … Read More

I have energy to do fun things again!

I had been on the birth control pill for 15 years and when I decided I no longer wanted to take it, my body started to experience things it had never before and no longer felt like my own. Coupled … Read More

I am a new version of me! Happier, healthier and minus the excess kilos.

I opted for Sarah’s longest program as I really wanted to make some real changes to my level of health and well being and loose some excess kilos.   OMG I can’t believe the changes Sarah enabled me to effortlessly … Read More